Photos and Videos

Here are some photos and videos that we have taken in our adventures.

Merry Christmas!

Luke 2:10-11



Psalm 40:5

Psalm 40:5

So, we got about 2 1/2 inches today.

Okay, so that's sawdust from my planer, but I can dream, right?

sawdust snow

It's a Turkey Soup kinda night!

turkey soup

Thanksgiving Turkey

Yes, you can cook a full turkey on a BBQ grill. As always, we stuffed it with bacon, green beans, garlic, and onions. We are thankful to God for providing a huge, 25-lb turkey for free through Winco because we accidentally spent $125 when picking up a few necessities.

thanksgiving turkey

Happy Thanksgiving!

Psalm 100

Psalm 126:3

Psalm 126:3

Dinner is about to be served... our cleaning and cooking cowboy.

Everyone is pitching in today to get things in order before the bad weather next week.

ezekiel cowboy cook

There's just somethin' 'bout a boy and his dog...

edword kadin